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Episode 14: Creating Communities Through Food with Carson Sweezy

Carson Sweezy is the Chief Nourishment Officer at Sweetz&Savorys. He partners with B2B companies and small businesses in the U.S. to offer Sweetz&Savoryz gift boxes as a simple way to nourish their client relationships. Carson creates authentic communities by connecting people through food and entertainment, as well as donating to local charities.

In this episode, we discuss:
• The importance of community through shared interest, in this case locally-made food.
• Building a brand with the idea that food is the vehicle to all kinds of nourishment.
• How community ties can lead to returning customers and revenue even when you spread nationally.
• Why business relationships are so important when building something that can be so personal, like someone’s relationship with food.
I hope you will find this episode as exciting and informative as I have.
Please let me know your thoughts!

Connect with Carson Sweezy

Steve Eschbach is founder and president of Eschbach Enterprises, Inc. (EE), a comprehensive business advisory firm focused on enhancing corporate value to take business owners to their next level of success. Through the various subsidiaries under the EE umbrella as well as the established affiliations/strategic partnerships he has established in his 40-plus years as a senior financial executive leader, Mr. Eschbach has the direct experience and/or knows subject matter professionals that enables business owners to continue to thrive. His companies over the years have represented both the sellers and buyers in dozens of business transactions over 40 years, ranging in size from under $100 thousand to over $15 billion, and in industries such as energy, technology, entertainment, healthcare management, retail and home services to name a few.

Building upon this, Mr. Eschbach is a published author, sought-after public speaker, audio and video podcast host at both the local and national levels and community leader – both past and present – on a number of community nonprofit boards and professional organizations. Mr. Eschbach holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Connecticut and a Master of Business Administration degree in Investment Finance from the University of Hartford. He has been a Chartered Financial Analyst since 1989 and is an Illinois licensed producer in life/health insurance as well real estate.

Connect with Steve Eschbach Website:

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